Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last changed on 24/11/2022


RATMODE (“we”,”us”,”our”) is a fully remote worker-owned game studio based in New Zealand. We are currently not registered as a business as we are still in the process of finalizing our constitution. Until we incorporate in New Zealand as “RATMODE Limited”, “RATMODE” refers collectively to the parties Taylor Jeffries, Lauryn Dorne and Jashon Brown. Once RATMODE Limited is registered with the New Zealand Companies Office, the ownership of all personal information collected by RATMODE will be transferred to RATMODE Limited.

This Privacy Policy applies to all RATMODE websites, games, applications, tools and other applicable products as well as any associated social media pages, forums and websites (collectively, our “Services”).

We are committed to protecting the privacy of all people who use our Services. We are based in New Zealand and so comply with New Zealand’s Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act 2020) and follow the privacy principles laid out in Privacy Act 2020 including but not limited to:

  • We only collect personal information that is necessary to carry out our functions.
  • We may collect personal information either directly from you or from other people or agencies.
  • We may generate personal information about you when we carry out our functions.
  • You may ask us for a copy of your personal information at any time. We will share as much as we can, but also have secrecy obligations that may mean we cannot share all data.
  • We will only use or share personal information when necessary to carry out the functions it was collected for, or if required by law.

By accessing or otherwise using the website at (“Website”), contacting us by email, using our Services, or otherwise engaging with us in any other way, you agree to the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance to this Privacy Policy.

For the sake of clarity and brevity, this policy does not provide every exact detail of our data collection processes. If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page. We are more than happy to provide more details or further explanation if needed.

1. What information we collect, process and store:

The types of information we collect may include:

  • Names and email addresses submitted by users through contact forms
  • Records of your interactions on this Website or our Services
  • Records of our interactions with you
  • Statistics on page views, details about your computer and connection, traffic and other standard web log information
  • Personal information you have provided to third parties, including public sources or our service providers
  • Any other personal information you may share with us voluntarily.

2. Why we collect, store and use personal information:

The information we collect enables us to:

  • Provide you with important updates and news (including contacting you by email)
  • Respond to queries and complaints that you make, or otherwise provide support and customer service
  • Determine how our Services are being used so we can improve them
  • Determine who is using our Services so we can provide a more tailored user experience
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Identify and troubleshoot bugs or other issues.

We will only use the information provided for the purposes it was collected for or that you otherwise authorize.

3. Sharing personal information:

Where necessary for the function of our Website and other Services, we may share your personal information with third party service providers or contractors. We may also share your personal information where required to by law.

We do not share personally identifiable information with third parties. We do not sell or rent personal information to third parties.

We use Google Analytics for the collection, processing and storage of certain types of data. Google has their own privacy policy which may have different terms from ours. Please review their policy as well:

Google Privacy Policy

4. Security:

We will take reasonable steps to prevent personal data being misused, lost, altered or otherwise accessed by unauthorized parties. We take technical and organizational precautions to ensure security appropriate to the level of risk inherent to the types of data we process. However, we may store your information in cloud storage or other online, networked or electronic storage. While we do strive to protect your personal information, due to the nature of these storage solutions and the internet, we cannot guarantee protection against hacking, data loss or other data breaches. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk.

The personal information you provide us with may be collected, processed or stored on third party servers operating outside of New Zealand. Due to these services being accessible in multiple countries via the internet, we cannot guarantee knowledge of where this information is being stored.

5. Data retention:

We will not store any of the personal information we collect longer than is necessary to the functions it was collected for, or for the duration required for compliance with applicable law, whichever is longer.

6. Users outside of New Zealand:

For those located outside of New Zealand, the information we collect from you may be processed, stored and used in New Zealand. New Zealand may not have the same privacy protections as where you are located.

7. Children’s privacy:

We do not intend to collect personal information from or about individuals under the age of 16. If you have reason to believe we are storing personal information about someone below the age of 16, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page so we may correct this. To the extent prohibited by applicable law, RATMODE does not allow use of our Services and Websites by anyone younger than 16 years old.

Please do not use our Website or any of our other Services if you are below 16 years of age.

8. Sensitive data:

We do not intend to collect sensitive information. “Sensitive information” means personal information relating to race, ethnicity, religion, political views, your health, sex life, employment status, philosophical beliefs or union affiliation. It also includes biometric or genetic data. If you have reason to believe we are storing sensitive information, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page so we may correct this.

9. Changes to our Privacy Policy:

We may change this Privacy Policy by uploading a new version to the Website. Any changes will apply starting from the date we upload the new Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this Website or our Services means you agree to the terms of the updated Privacy Policy.

10. Managing your personal information:

We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we have is accurate and up to date. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected or deleted, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page. Before we can grant access to personal information, we will need evidence to confirm that you are the individual the personal information relates to.

We aim to respond within 20 working days from the date we receive your request.

In some cases, such as when your request conflicts with other legal or secrecy obligations, providing access to, updating or deleting your personal information may not be possible. If we do not agree to grant access, we will notify you, explain why and how you can make a complaint about this decision.

11. Cookies:

A cookie is a small file we transfer to your computer which is used to identify your device and “remember” things about your interactions with our Website and other Services (e.g site preferences). While we do not use this information to identify you personally, we may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your interaction with our Website and other Services such as what time and date you visited, which pages you visited and your IP address. You may disable cookies using your browser settings at any time, however some websites and services might not function properly without them.

12. Contact:

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact page.